Back in 2007, my mother, Carol Caley, was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s. After seeing the struggle she has gone through, along with the struggle my father has faced as her primary caregiver, Bob and I knew we needed to do something. With my love for running, along with our shared passion to help others, organizing our first race in 2014 was a logical way to do some serious fundraising while having a little fun along the way. Knowing we wanted to grow this mission, we reached out to a very special group of our friends and family, and asked them to be a part of our recently created 501c3, “Jog Your Memory, Inc.” With the collective power of our board, we are excited to pursue our dream to raise money to run Alzheimer’s into the ground.
For the past nearly five years, Carol has remained in a residential care for Alzheimer's disease. Her care continues to be outstanding led by her two loving aides, Regine and Takaria. I am so proud of Carol as she holds her own in the face of the disease that is Alzheimer's, showing what the power of care can accomplish. My daily visits with her inspire me to persist in the support of research that will put an end to a particularly horrible disease that affects millions. My experience with Carol and Jog Your Memory has been transformative, bringing strength and raising hope for a solution. We here are all extraordinarily grateful for your support.
My primary role on the Jog Your Memory 5K Board of Directors is to advise and contribute to the race growth and operations based on my running experience and network. I ran varsity cross country and track at Penn State University ('91-'96) and currently run locally with the B.A.A. As Jess' and Bob's neighbor and a JYM board member, I have seen the effects of Alzheimer's disease on patients and caregivers and as a result have been inspired to help in anyway I can to find a cure and provide support to those in need. Our Board of Directors and those who support us in our community have truly enlightened me that a small group of supporters can effect big change.
Like far too many others, my Family and I have also been dramatically affected by Alzheimer’s. First, through my Grandmother, Muriel Pandori, then through my Wife’s Grandfather, Lee Oakes, and most recently through my Aunt, Frances Allen; a woman that I can say confidently that I would not be same Person, Husband, Father, or Son without. Fran, Muriel, and Lee all have a few traits in common – their big hearts, contagious smiles, and their unwavering selflessness. Through JYM, I hope to honor them and pay these traits forward by helping to improve the lives of those affected by Alzheimer's as well as the advancement of research for treatment and a cure.
My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2015 and this was my family’s first exposure to the disease. As my father was her primary caregiver until his passing in 2018, the entire experience has opened mine and my family’s eyes to the importance of caregiving. I ran my first JYM 5k in 2014 when it all started and have been involved ever since. JYM has allowed an important message to be shared broadly. While the journey is difficult at times, JYM provides support and serves as a voice for those who have been affected by the disease and for their loved ones.
I became involved with Jog Your Memory 5K in 2014 when I began working with Bob and assisting with the behind the scenes details of the race. Since then I’ve had a front row seat to watch this organization not only grow in size, but also determination. I am truly honored to be part of a board that is so passionate about raising awareness and supporting caregivers and those living with this disease. I have seen how Alzheimer’s disease has affected my close friends and family who have had loved ones diagnosed, and my hope is that we can honor those who have been impacted by this disease and that the work we do can ultimately help find a cure.
Alzheimer's has touched my family deeply, just as it has my brother & fellow board member, Ryan. Our grandmother, Muriel Pandori, and our aunt, Fran Allen, were remarkable women whose resilience in the face of Alzheimer's continues to inspire me. My involvement in Jog Your Memory 5K is both a tribute to them and a commitment to action against this disease. By joining this board, I hope to strengthen our shared resolve and contribute to the vital work this extraordinary team is doing. My hope is that each stride we take in this race not only honors those we've loved and lost but also brings us closer to a world without Alzheimer’s.
My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2013 and since then, my father has been her primary caregiver, a role that requires unparalleled patience, sacrifice and love. In 2015, my daughter and I ran our first Jog Your Memory 5K in honor of my parents; the sense of community and support was energizing, and we resolved to make it an annual tradition. At the same time, I became involved with the Needham Goes Purple campaign. Along the way, I was fortunate to become friends with Jess, and learn more about Jog Your Memory and the important work it is doing to support caregivers while also funding critical research to find a cure. I feel privileged to be part of this extraordinary team and am inspired by the impact it is making in improving the lives of caregivers and changing the trajectory of the disease.
our dream?
to run Alzheimer’s
into the ground
we partner with
Every dollar they spend goes to research, and gets us one step closer to finding a cure.

the JYM story.
We run for
our loved ones
We'd love to post pictures of people in your lives who are touched by Alzheimer's so we can proudly display them on our site. In addition to the site, we will have a collage of pictures at the race.
Please send your pictures to jogyourmemory5k@gmail.com and we will add them to the faces of those who drive us to race for a cure!